Pastor Elliot Mandaza

International Protocol Director
Pastor Elliot Mandaza, served New Life Covenant Church in Harare in various capacities since 1993 and 1996 respectively. Having been ordained as pastors in Jabula New Life Ministries International on Sunday, 10thAugust 2008, he and his wife were sent to Bulawayo to plant a church.
In ministering to our city and nation, we work through networks of Christian, non-governmental and governmental agencies to promote and uphold the dignity of our people, in cognizance that they are all created in the image and likeness of our God.
Contact Pastor Elliot Mandaza
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Headquarter Office Address
195 Ladd Road, Walled Lake, MI 48390
Finance Office Address
Phone Number
+1 (248) 244-8602 x. 216